Monday 2 September 2019

Echo Chamber?

This has not made it into The Northern Echo, but here it is:

Dear Sir,

Laura Pidcock is unsuitable to be the Member of Parliament for North West Durham. The Conservative candidate won 34.5 per cent in 2017. Labour holds fewer than half of the County Council seats. The Liberal Democrats cut the Labour majority in half in 2010. An Independent kept his deposit both in 2005 and in 2010.

There is nothing meaningfully left-wing about Ms Pidcock. She is not a supporter of Brexit, Modern Monetary Theory, the Universal Basic Income, Julian Assange, Chris Williamson, the County Durham Teaching Assistants, the revival of the British coal and steel industries, or putting Tony Blair on trial for Iraq. Nor is she an opponent of Trident, NATO, Britain’s relationship with Saudi Arabia, gender self-identification, or the IHRA Definition of Antisemitism.

I am all of those things, while at the same time I would appoint an Independent, a Labourite, a Conservative and a Liberal Democrat in each of the County Wards, ideally including at least one person in each of the former District Wards, to work with me and with local people. I would also appoint a Political Advisor from within each of the Independent, Labour, Conservative, and Liberal Democrat blocs. I can be contacted on

Yours faithfully,

David Lindsay

Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for North West Durham

The crowdfunding page is here, and buy the book here. Very many thanks.

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