Friday 13 December 2019

Five Years in Which To Organise

Congratulations to Richard Holden, who was acquitted in minutes of an obviously false charge that should never have come to court. As I would have been in April, had the prosecution not caused the discharge of the jury by causing its comically incredible star witness to disappear overnight in Minnesota halfway through his testimony by videolink. And as I would be in March, if they proceeded with the fourth attempt at a trial.

So I look forward to working with Richard over the next 59 months. And then to spending the sixtieth month unseating him. While you have to play the game until the final whistle, of course I always knew that I was going to come bottom of the poll, and as soon as Watts Stelling entered the fray then I knew that I was going to lose my deposit. But the next General Election is not going to be a snap one, nor is it going to be only two and a half years after this one. See, instead, here:

The result of the 2019 General Election has given us five years in which to organise for the next one. The Brexit Party will no longer exist in 2024, when Watts Stelling will also be unlikely to contest a fourth General Election. Therefore, I remain the Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for North West Durham. One of my Campaign Patrons is Councillor Alex Watson OBE, who led Derwentside District Council for many years, who chaired the North East Regional Assembly, and who chaired the English Regional Network. My other Campaign Patron is Davey Ayre, who is a legendary local trade unionist. In 2019, I was proposed as a parliamentary candidate by Alderman Clive Robson BEM, who is a former Deputy Leader of Durham County Council.

I was born in 1977, and I have lived in North West Durham since 1982. I was an elected member of Lanchester Parish Council from 1999 to 2013, a governor of Lanchester Endowed Parochial Primary School from 1999 to 2007, and a governor of Saint Bede’s from 2000 to 2008. In April 2017, I was elected unopposed as one of Derwentside’s public governors of County Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust.

Richard Holden talks about a more inclusive politics than Laura Pidcock’s, but I intend to identify a number of projects on which to campaign in each of the former District Wards, equal to the former number of District Councillors, and as the MP I would appoint an Independent, a Labourite, a Conservative and a Liberal Democrat in each of the County Wards, ideally including at least one person in each of the former District Wards, to work with me and with local people.

Since I believe in family values, with parents as the first educators of their children, I also believe in economic equality and international peace through the democratic political control of the means to those ends. Therefore, I support Brexit, Modern Monetary Theory, the Universal Basic Income, publicly owned utilities, the abolition of NHS charges, the extension throughout the United Kingdom of the Scottish model of free personal care, and, as a disabled person, hugely expanded public transport, free at the point of use.

I am pro-business, being in favour of a strict Glass-Steagall division between investment banking and retail banking, with democratic political control over monetary policy, and with large amounts of central government credit, at low interest rates and over a long term, to build great national projects that would then pay for themselves many times over. I support pro-business tariffs and subsidies, and a pro-business National Bank to promote the growth of productive enterprises rather than speculation. Public bodies and their contractors must be compelled to buy local goods and services. We need very low, or if possible zero, business rates on independent shops. And we need a windfall tax on the supermarkets, to fund agriculture and small business. This would all be possible outside the EU Single Market and Customs Union, and beyond Boris Johnson’s “level playing field”.

I support rural working-class representation, fathers’ rights, mass classical education, lifelong learning for its own sake, and the same benefits for apprentices and trainees as for students. As a mixed-race person, I support immigration controls. I support Julian Assange, the British coal and steel industries, nuclear power, the Belt and Road Initiative, putting Tony Blair on trial for Iraq, and putting David Cameron and Nick Clegg on trial for Libya.

I oppose Trident, NATO, Saudi Arabia, all of the currently illegal drugs, all aspects of the sex industry (I was the first journalist to try and expose the links between Harriet Harman and the Paedophile Information Exchange), gender self-identification, and any approach to climate change that endangered industrial and scientific progress. The problem with the world is not that it has people in it. Which people, exactly? Even the resources of the Solar System must not be beyond our reach as a species. The IHRA Definition of Antisemitism silences Black And Minority Ethnic, refugee and migrant voices, and that way lies Windrush and Grenfell Tower. It also betrays the ancient indigenous Christians of the Holy Land, and that way lies the ongoing worldwide persecution of Christians.

I can be contacted on

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