Monday 29 July 2019

"We Therefore Endorse"?

The following has just been sent to the people described:

Being a straightforward matter, the following will be sent to the local and national media at 12 noon on Monday 5th August 2019. One trusts that the other MPs for County Durham, and the Chief Whip, will forward it to all other Labour MPs in good time, and that the Councillor for Lanchester will forward it to all other Labour Councillors:

Dear Sir,

We endorse the parliamentary candidacy of Laura Pidcock at North West Durham against David Lindsay and against the Conservative Party. Since each is on 30 per cent, any could be the First Past the Post. 

David Lindsay is a supporter of Brexit, of Modern Monetary Theory, of the Universal Basic Income, of Julian Assange, of Chris Williamson, of the coal industry, and of putting Tony Blair on trial over the war in Iraq. He is an opponent of Trident, of NATO, of Britain’s relationship with Saudi Arabia, of gender self-identification, and of the IHRA Definition of Antisemitism. He is a sympathiser with Fathers 4 Justice. He is a practising Roman Catholic. He is a defender of shooting and fishing. He is a mixed-race advocate of immigration controls. He would have Conservatives, Liberal Democrats and Independents on his staff. He is still fighting Durham County Council over the Teaching Assistants. He is a friendly critic and a critical friend of George Galloway. We therefore endorse Laura Pidcock.

The invitation to sign this letter was extended to all Labour members of the House of Commons, to all Labour members of Durham County Council, and to all Labour members of Lanchester Parish Council.

Yours faithfully,

Wednesday 24 July 2019

All Systems Go

It is clear from this afternoon's appointments by Boris Johnson that the General Election campaign has now begun. 

Anyone in a position to help my candidacy at North West Durham (campaigning, funding, signing nomination papers, telling us what the issues are in each community, anything), please email

Very many thanks, and spread the word.